The plot revolves around an awkward, lonely young woman named May Dove Canady (Bettis), who suffered a troubled childhood due to her lazy eye. She has very few social interactions, her only "true friend" being a glass-encased doll named Suzie made by her mother and given to May for her birthday. While presenting young May with the gift, her mother tells her, "If you can't find a friend, make one."
As an adult, May works at a veterinary hospital, assisting with surgeries. Her optometrist fixes May's lazy eye, first with glasses, then with a special form of contact lens. As May attempts to be more social, she sees Adam (Sisto), a local mechanic, around town, they become friends. When she tells him that she's weird, Adam replies, "That's okay. I like weird." May has a fixation on his hands, which she considers to be the most attractive part of him, and they start dating. Meanwhile, May's lesbian colleague Polly (Faris) begins to flirt with May, while simultaneously poking fun at her for her oddness. One day while feeling especially low, May remarks that Polly has a beautiful neck. Polly then gives her pet cat Lupe to May, ostensibly because of her "bitch" landlord.
As an adult, May works at a veterinary hospital, assisting with surgeries. Her optometrist fixes May's lazy eye, first with glasses, then with a special form of contact lens. As May attempts to be more social, she sees Adam (Sisto), a local mechanic, around town, they become friends. When she tells him that she's weird, Adam replies, "That's okay. I like weird." May has a fixation on his hands, which she considers to be the most attractive part of him, and they start dating. Meanwhile, May's lesbian colleague Polly (Faris) begins to flirt with May, while simultaneously poking fun at her for her oddness. One day while feeling especially low, May remarks that Polly has a beautiful neck. Polly then gives her pet cat Lupe to May, ostensibly because of her "bitch" landlord.
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